
Christ Is Greater Than Societal Barriers

Mark 2:16b How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners?

Read also Mark 2:13-17.

When our Lord Jesus asked Matthew to commit his life to Him and to become His disciple, one of the first things Matthew did was to get all of his friends together so they too could meet the Master. Of course, the people in Matthew*s circle of friends included folks whose lifestyles were publicly out of line with the Law of God: the drunk, the prostitute, the petty thief, the pickpocket—you name it—they were *publicans and sinners.* Matthew started where he was, with people he knew, and shared his faith in Jesus with them. An admirable thing, yet the pious scribes and Pharisees inquired, *How is it that He eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners?* In other words, *How could You stoop so low?*

I remember one of our Arab students at the college where I was President, who went to a student conference attended by thousands of college students from around the world. Sitting next to this young man on the platform was an Israeli who had trusted Christ as his Messiah. When it was his turn to speak, our young student said, *One of the most wonderful things about being a Christian is the love the Lord Jesus has given me for my brother from Israel.* And the two of them stood there with their arms around each other*s shoulders, the tears running down their faces—living proof that God breaks down man-made barriers.

Jesus* answer to the question put to Him was simple and direct. In essence, He said, *I*m eating with them because they need Me* (Mark 2:17). Somebody needs you today. Forget the man-made barriers that divide people, find that someone, and introduce him or her to your Savior!

Walk With The King, Inc. PO Box 43 Trumbull CT 06611 www.walkwiththeking.org.

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